William Henry Bonney or “Billy the Kid,” as he is commonly known, left no record of his place of birth
and date. Pat Garrett and Ash Upson, who wrote the biography, The
Authentic Life of Billy the Kid, the Noted Desperado of the Southwest, whose
Deeds of Daring and Blood Have Made His Name a Terror in New Mexico,
Arizona and Northern Mexico, came up with November 23, 1859, in New
York City. This information for years had been accepted as the actual birth
record of Billy the Kid, but today it’s highly questionable as being
legitimate. Aside from no record to prove this date accurate, the date November 23 happens
to be Ash Upson’s birth date. Did he happen to remember the Kid’s birthday because it
was the same as his or was it because he needed a date to complete his
biography, so he chose November 23 as a sort of tribute to himself?
As for the year 1859, the Kid’s childhood friends in Silver
City claimed he was about twelve in 1873, while his friends George and
Frank Coe, said he was about seventeen during the Lincoln County War in the
early year of 1878, and Lily Casey, a Lincoln county resident, would say
when she encountered the Kid in early November of 1877, he was barely
sixteen. This indicates he may have been born in 1860-61, making his age of
death nineteen or twenty. In The Authentic Life of Billy the Kid, the
year 1859 may have been used to make the Kid twenty-one years old at the
time of his death, so when Garrett killed the Kid, it would sound better to
have him kill a man of twenty-one than possibly a youth still in his teens.
While the date remains a complete mystery, New York or Indiana have become
the potential birth place. New York is the most convincing since his mother
arrived there from Ireland and many who knew the Kid mentioned New York as
his place of birth and following his death, newspapers around the country
all stated he was born in New York, so obviously folks in that era knew
something we don't.
Now what about his name? He is most famously known as William H. Bonney, but
as a child, it was Henry McCarty. But was Henry, really his first
name? When his mother, Catherine McCarty, remarried a man named William
Antrim the family now had two Williams. So Catherine started calling her son by
his middle name, Henry. Childhood friend from Silver City, Chauncey Truesdell,
recalled, “Henry's first name was Billy, but they called him by his middle
name to keep him from getting mixed up with his stepfather.”
The Kid had a brother named Joseph, and it’s been thought he was the older
of the two, but records show he was the younger brother (for more on Joseph
see the Antrim Family web page). It's also
speculated and rumored that the two boys were "half" brothers.
Fred Nolan, an authority on Billy the Kid and biographer of “The West of
Billy the Kid,” came to a rather logical conclusion about the
boys’ lineage. “At the time of the Kid’s death, not just one but several
newspapers referred to Joe as his half-brother.” Then he adds,
“We might have Mrs. McCarty, widow of Michael McCarty, who had been
previously married to (shall we say) Mr. Bonney, who was Billy’s father.
Bonney Sr. died (say, in New York, for want of better information), and his
widow married a man named McCarty, with whom she went to Indiana or whom she
met there; he was Joe’s father, but not Billy’s. McCarty died sometime
before 1867 (let us say in Indianapolis, for want of better information),
whereupon Mrs. McCarty, widow, starts to appear in Indiana directories. This
theory (which of course is all it is) would accommodate Billy’s being the
older brother and explain why later on, looking for a new alias, the Kid
reverted to the most natural one of all.” (Page 5 in “The West of Billy
the Kid”).
From the time he was born till about 1870, the Kid left no trace of his
life. All we know is that, in 1870, widow Catherine McCarty and her two sons
arrived in Kansas, accompanied by her long time boyfriend, William Antrim.
Mrs. McCarty opened a laundry service and bought and sold town lots to earn
money. The widow was making a rather good living supporting herself and her
sons, until a doctor diagnosed her with tuberculosis and told her to seek a
warmer and drier climate.
Loading up her family and accompanied by William Antrim, she headed west to Colorado
and then south to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where on March 1, 1873, in a
Presbyterian church, Catherine married Antrim. After the wedding, the family
headed south to Silver City in Grant County. The warmer climate there was
hoped to benefit Mrs. Antrim’s health and the opportunities of mining would
benefit her prospecting husband.
In early April the family arrived in the crowded city and were lucky to
acquire a cabin in the quickly growing town. Mr. Antrim found work as a
carpenter and a butcher, but spent most of his time prospecting and
gambling. Mrs. Antrim took in boarders in their tiny cabin and sold homemade
pies and sweet cakes to make ends meet. As for her boys, they ran with the
other children in town, getting into harmless mischief until the school
opened in January.
Most of the residents and children who knew the Kid as a youngster in Silver
City remember him affectionately. Chauncey Truesdell remembers, “Henry was
only a small boy, small for his age and kind of skinny.” Louis Abraham,
another schoolmate and friend recalled, “He was just an ordinary boy, I
don’t remember him doing anything bad, he was just a little mischievous."
All denied the story of him killing a man who had insulted his mother and
not to mention, there is no legal or newspaper record of such an
incident happening.
As a youth, the Kid was slender, had small
hands and rather girlish looking, so because of this stature he was a target
for bullies and teasing, but what he lacked in size he made up in courage
and a quick mind. He also had a wonderful sense of humor, always joking and
laughing. He had a passion for music, singing and dancing. He was a
well-behaved student in school and liked to read. He wasn’t a loud obnoxious
brat like some of the other boys he ran with, but rather quiet and mild
mannered. Not only his childhood friends, but also folks he would meet later
in life, all
agreed he was an easygoing, lighthearted fellow, loyal, courteous, and brave
almost to the point of recklessness. Even his enemies admitted he had good
Up until this point, as Louis Abraham said, “he was just an ordinary boy,”
but as fate would have it, the Kid’s life would turn upside down and never
be the same again. Ever.
Unfortunately, Mrs. Antrim’s health was deteriorating rapidly and she
became bedridden. To make matters worse, her husband seemed to have deserted
his family when they needed him the most and took to the hills for
On September 16, 1874, Catherine Antrim died. When her husband finally
returned, he moved his stepsons to live with the Knight family. The boys
continued their schooling, while their stepfather would come and go. In a
matter of time, the boys were separated and bounced from one foster family
to another. Bill Antrim relocated to Arizona and finally relieved himself from any parental
responsibility to his stepsons and left the boys to fend for themselves.

Webmistress's photo (2000)
The headstone of Catherine Antrim, it reads:
In Memory of
Mrs. Katherine Antrim
Mother of Billy the Kid
The spelling of her name is wrong (C not K)
This is not the original headstone or location of her grave.
In 1882 the cemetery was relocated outside of town and
the wooden marker
was replaced twice before this stone was donated in 1947. |
During this time the Kid took advantage of his freedom to do as he pleased
without any parental supervision, but because he was on his own, he lacked
money and so he began his career of crime. His first offense was stealing
several pounds of butter from a rancher, which he turned around and sold to
a merchant. The county sheriff, Harvey H. Whitehill found out and after a
tongue-lashing, he let the Kid go with a warning.
It was a year after Catherine Antrim’s death and the Kid was now living at
Mrs. Brown’s boarding house. To earn money, the thirteen or fourteen year old youngster washed dishes and waited on tables at the Star Hotel. He
soon befriended a young man named George Schaefer, alias Sombrero Jack. He
was a thief, drunk and gambler and would no doubt become a bad influence on
the impressionable boy. At this time the Kid was looking poor and
dressed in worn out clothes. Sombrero Jack had stolen a bundle of laundry
from a Chinese launderer and since the Kid had no decent clothing, he gave
the bundle to him, if he wanted to run the risk of getting caught
with it. Mrs. Brown discovered the bundle hidden in a trunk in the Kid’s
room and reported him to the sheriff. The Kid was arrested and locked in
jail. The city newspaper, The Grant County Herald printed the story:
“It’s believed that Henry was simply the tool of Sombrero Jack, who done the
actual stealing whilst Henry done the hiding. Jack has since skinned out.”
So, the Kid was left holding the bag, literally.
Sheriff Whitehill was sympathetic towards the Kid and allowed him free
run of the corridor for a limited time till his hearing before the courts.
After only two days of confinement, the Kid escaped up the fireplace in the
corridor and then fled to one of his foster families, the Truesdells. The
Kid’s stepfather, Bill Antrim had gone to Clifton, Arizona for prospecting,
so the Truesdells gave the boy some money and put him on a stage to Arizona. The
boy had hoped to find refuge with his stepfather, but unfortunately when
the Kid told him what had happened, Antrim responded with “If that’s the
kind of boy you are, get out!”
The Kid was now alone and homeless in the Arizona desert. It was dangerous
for an adult man to be alone in this hostile area, let alone a teenage boy.
He wandered around and lived a hand-and-mouth existence. The Kid had trouble
finding work because of his youthfulness and slender build, which made him
unable to do a man’s job. He then met and went into partnership with a man
named John Mackie, another thief who would influence the Kid. The duo began
a career of stealing saddles and horses, particularly from the army in the
Camp Grant area.
They were eventually caught and thrown into jail at Camp Grant, but the Kid
escaped and fled. A few months later, he turned up again in the area. This
naïve attitude of returning to the scene of a crime would be his downfall
throughout his short life or because he was alone and vulnerable he
was returning to familiar haunts and maybe looking for Mackie. Whatever the
case, the Kid was back.
Probably after joining up with Mackie, the Kid had developed his famous
nickname by which he would be forever known:
It wasn’t only because he was one, but he certainly looked it.
Because of that, a husky bully blacksmith at Camp Grant, named Frank “Windy”
Cahill immediately took pleasure in picking on the Kid every time he saw
him. Gus Gildea, who was working as a ranch hand, recalled the Kid having
trouble with Cahill, “Shortly after the Kid came to Fort Grant, Windy
started abusing him. He would throw Billy to the floor, ruffle his hair,
slap his face and humiliate him before the men in the saloon.” Finally, the
Kid had enough.
On August 18, 1877, the Kid had a run in with his tormentor at Atkins’s
cantina. Cahill called the Kid a pimp and the Kid returned the insult by
calling him a son of a bitch. Cahill then plowed into the Kid and wrestled
him to the ground. Gildea recorded, “Windy threw the youth on the floor. He
sat on him, pinned his arms down with his knees and started slapping his
face. Billy worked his right arm free and managed to grasp his .45. Then
there was a deafening roar. Windy slumped to the side as the Kid squirmed
free.” After the Kid shot Cahill mortally in the stomach, he bolted out the
door, mounted the nearest horse and skinned out. As it turned out the Kid
rode off on a prized racehorse, but when he found another mount he sent the
valuable animal back to its owner. Despite previous abuse and Cahill being
much larger and getting the upper hand in the fight, the shooting was
considered unjustifiable.
Now with a murder rap hanging over him, the young fugitive hightailed it
back to New Mexico. He stopped shortly to visit his old friends the Knights and the Truesdell, but then he kept going. Once again, the Kid found himself alone
and vulnerable. He headed to Dona Ana County near La Mesilla,
where he joined one of the most notorious gang of rustlers and killers in
the southwest, their leader was Jesse Evans and they called themselves “The
Although Jesse Evans was captain of the gang, it was John Kinney, also known as King of the Rustlers,
who coordinated the gang's rustling activities. The
stolen cattle and horses were sold to those who didn’t ask questions, and no one was willing to risk their
lives to stop the rustlers, including the law. But Colonel Albert Fountain, who at
the time was editor of The Mesilla Valley Independent, was not only
exploiting them in his paper, but also putting pressure on the law to do
With the law finally cracking down on them, the gang eventually moved towards
Lincoln County about 150 miles northeast of Dona Ana County. The Kid
was now heading into the next chapter of his tragic story.
Bell Boze, Bob The Illustrated Life and Times of Billy the Kid
Second Edition,
Tri Star-B Productions, Inc. 1996
Nolan, Frederick The West of Billy the Kid
University of Oklahoma Press, Norman
Nolan, Frederick Pat Garrett’s The Authentic Life of Billy the
an annotated edition with notes and commentary by Frederick
Nolan, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman 2000
Weddle, Jerry Antrim is My Stepfather’s Name: The Boyhood of
Billy the Kid
Historical Monograph No. 9 The Arizona Historical Society, 1993
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